
What is a chiropractor, and why should you see one? Naturally, your inquisitive mind has plenty of questions about chiropractors and chiropractic treatment, including its benefits and what it entails. If you want to learn more about chiropractic care, you're in the right place!

This blog focuses on all things chiropractic. If you have nagging neck or back pain, migraines, joint problems, and more, we have informative posts with advice and recommendations for you.

But you don't have to be in pain now to benefit from our articles. By 2030, more than five million Australians are projected to develop arthritis – and you could be among them. The good news is that you could prevent it or at least be armed with the right information from its onset.


February 05, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Exercises
Functional exercise, I am sure many of you have heard about it, but what does it actually MEAN! By definition Functional movements or exercises are movements based on real-world situational bio-mechanics. They usually involve multi-planar, multi-joint movements which place d...

Detox Your Body With This Ultimate Green Smoothie Recipe

January 07, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Detoxify
Green Smoothie Recipe
It is no secret that we live in a toxic world, and so much of that toxic load comes from what we eat. The first thing you eat in the morning, really sets the tone for the rest of the day and in our opinion, a smoothie is the perfect blend of nutrition and simplicity. […]...

Natural Heart Burn Relief: Our Top Tips

December 04, 2018 By Open Space Healing Team In Holistic Health
Natural Heart Burn Relief
Heartburn, indigestion, reflux, GERD…we have all experienced it sometime in our life! That burning ache that makes life and eating a drag. The makers of Mylanta and Gaviscon will have you believe that it’s because of a shortage of antacids, however hopefully this reality doesn’t sit ri...