
What is a chiropractor, and why should you see one? Naturally, your inquisitive mind has plenty of questions about chiropractors and chiropractic treatment, including its benefits and what it entails. If you want to learn more about chiropractic care, you're in the right place!

This blog focuses on all things chiropractic. If you have nagging neck or back pain, migraines, joint problems, and more, we have informative posts with advice and recommendations for you.

But you don't have to be in pain now to benefit from our articles. By 2030, more than five million Australians are projected to develop arthritis – and you could be among them. The good news is that you could prevent it or at least be armed with the right information from its onset.

Simple Core Exercises to Reduce your Lower Back Pain NOW

October 13, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Exercises
Stop Wondering How To RELIEVE Your Hip Pain And Stiffness
We know that the majority of us will experience back pain at some time in their lives, and we also know that if you have suffered with it you just want it gone yesterday! So we decided to give you one of our favourite exercises to prescribe to our clients that will help, no matter […]...

Stop wondering how to RELIEVE your hip pain and stiffness.

October 07, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Stretches
Stop wondering how to RELIEVE your hip pain and stiffness
Like our good friend Shakira says “Your hips don’t lie”… YEP there are SO many reasons you might be getting hip pain and stiffness and if we are looking at this on a holistic level, symptoms in the hip can tell us a lot about what is happening on both a physical and emotional lev...

Proper Pooping Posture (A Game Changer)

September 09, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Holistic Health
Proper Pooping Posture
If you are reading this on the John .. you might want to read on. Pooping should be easy right? I mean, everyone does it … BUT did you know that you can actually do it very wrong! If you grew up in a western culture chances you have missed out on this crucial information and have [&helli...

Scoliosis – Everything You Need to Know

August 26, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Protecting Your Back
Scoliosis - Everything You Need to Know
Scoliosis – You may have heard about it and know that it means a bend in the spine; however, do not know how it happens and if it even matters? By the end of this vlog, these questions will be answered, plus you will know what you can do about it!    So, what...

Improve the Flexibility of Your Spine (Without Stretching)

August 12, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Stretches
Improve the Flexibility of Your Spine
From working with thousands of clients over a decade we know that the vast majority of adults in our population suffer with some type of stiffness or lack of flexibility. Decreased flexibility is a major problem in our society. So many of us are sedentary and sit for over 90% of our day. T...