
In our modern-day, industrial world, we are surrounded by thousands of chemicals, and the list grows daily. Toxin build-up happens even to the best of us. Toxins can come from many things, including your car, the environment, air, bacteria, and tap water. As they accumulate in the body, many symptoms may appear. They can cause physical symptoms, such as headaches, muscle pain, skin problems, insomnia, chronic fatigue, digestive and immune disorders, plus many more. This is why we believe that everyone should have a regular detox regime.

Your organs help cleanse the body by flushing out toxins and sometimes filtering them out so they do not harm our body. The skin, lungs, liver, and kidneys are just some that protect us from our polluted world. Unfortunately with build-up over the years, they can become tired and ineffective. That’s why we need to detox.

Detoxing can improve physical health by boosting immunity, increasing energy levels and cleaning the blood. Food is digested effectively, and blood circulates better. You can sleep longer and more peacefully, too. Plus, you will find that you can focus more on day to day activities.

You will find information about detoxification on the blog, such as a detox routine that you can practice every morning. Check back often to read more detox articles.

Tips to Drink Less Coffee

January 18, 2021 By Open Space Healing Team In Detoxify
Tips to Drink Less Coffee
You’ve heard that drinking too much coffee may not be so good for you… or your brain health, but is it really? You CAN’T even imagine starting your day without your daily dose! So we’re sharing why you may want to reduce you caffeine intake and our favourite easy tips to hel...

Our Morning Detox Routine

November 30, 2020 By Open Space Healing Team In Detoxify
Our Morning Detox Routine
Dr Andy is giving you an insider’s view into her quick and easy morning detox routine. All you need is 10 minutes each morning to detox your body naturally. Dr Andy’s Morning Detox Routine Wake up and stretch your body Head to the bathroom and scrape your tongue to get rid of the build u...

Grocery Shopping for Detox

November 17, 2020 By Open Space Healing Team In Detoxify
Grocery Shopping for Detox
You can nourish your body so you can flourish with our detox friendly grocery haul from our favourite local grocer Peaches. We’re stocking up on our favourite healthy produce that is easy to find, fresh AND detox friendly – and you’re invited to join us! Our Detox Fr...

Detoxifying Your Body: How To Make A Detox Bath for Your Body.

November 03, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Detoxify
Detoxifying Your Body: How To Make A Detox Bath for Your Body
How to Detox at Home with this Decadent Detox Bath Recipe. At Open Space Healing we know that it’s essential to deeply ‘rest’ and detox regularly to maintain optimal health. We also know that to carve out alone time to de-stress and unwind in our busy schedules can be tough. The consta...

Detox Your Body With This Ultimate Green Smoothie Recipe

January 07, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Detoxify
Green Smoothie Recipe
It is no secret that we live in a toxic world, and so much of that toxic load comes from what we eat. The first thing you eat in the morning, really sets the tone for the rest of the day and in our opinion, a smoothie is the perfect blend of nutrition and simplicity. […]...