
Holistic Health

Modern-day medicine is wonderful, with so many life-saving advancements. However, in our opinion, it has many downfalls, including having a reactive and symptomatic approach to treatments and patients’ health. The body is commonly viewed in sections instead of looking at the system as a whole. And this is why holistic health is essential. Through holistic health, the body is seen and supported as the incredible system that it is, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

For example, a common mainstream approach to pain or headaches would be an over-the-counter medication such as a painkiller. In holistic healing, we investigate to find the root cause of the problem, which may be anything from dehydration to inflammation from food intolerances. In our opinion, relief from symptoms such as Headaches can be achieved more effectively and long term by taking a holistic approach. This way, any adverse effects from medication can be mitigated and you have more clarity about your health, empowering you to live your best life. Holistic healing involves a variety of different complementary medicines and alternative practices in healthcare.

The same principle is applied to common cold and flu medication. We often take over-the-counter medication for cold relief. In holistic healing, you can turn to essential oils or follow the DIY vapour rub instructions in this post.

Holistic health has become more critical than ever, especially in today’s environment. It takes into account environmental and external factors that could either impact or support our health and wellness. Learn more about holistic health and healing through our blog.

How to Let Your Core Desired Feelings Guide You

April 06, 2020 By Open Space Healing Team In Holistic Health
How to Let Your Core Desired Feelings Guide You
Are you one of those people who LIVES for the holidays? Like counts down the days?… The problem is, for most of us, holidays and these ‘special events’ only make up a very small portion of our lives…what about the rest?! What if you were able to insert those ‘good vibe yummy’...

How to Make Your Headache Go Away!

November 24, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Holistic Health
How to Make Your Headache Go Away!
Warning: Rant ahead! You shouldn’t rely on pain killers to solve your headaches! So you have another headache and you have a TONNE of work to do today… Before you reach for that pill consider this … Why is your headache there in the first place? Most likely it is not because there is a...

How To Treat A Cold Naturally. Make Vapor Rub At Home.

November 10, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Holistic Health
How To Treat A Cold Naturally. Make Vapor Rub At Home.
Natural Kids ‘Vapor rub’ recipe for the change in seasons. As we come out of Winter, we are sure that a lot of you would have experienced some type of lurgi, sniffle, cough, congestion etc. We know it’s not fun, and night time is the worst, as laying supine (flat) makes it even harder ...

Proper Pooping Posture (A Game Changer)

September 09, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Holistic Health
Proper Pooping Posture
If you are reading this on the John .. you might want to read on. Pooping should be easy right? I mean, everyone does it … BUT did you know that you can actually do it very wrong! If you grew up in a western culture chances you have missed out on this crucial information and have [&helli...